Dear Parents/Guardians,

Murray High School, in accordance with state safety compliance, DOES require that students have parking permits for their cars and that we monitor the parking lot for compliance to our permit system.  We are giving a 2-week grace period for students to get their permit application in and to come get their permit at the school. This window to get a permit is September 13-September 27th. Murray High will have permit enforcement here starting on September 30th that will give tickets out to students who are not compliant with not only having a permit, but also following the parking lot rules. Please follow the steps below in order to get a parking permit. Permits cost $10.00.

Steps for obtaining a parking pass:

  1. Submit the Parking Pass Application
  2. Pay the fee through the finance office through My School Fees
  3. Wait at least 24 hours, then pick up the hang tag pass in the Citizenship office (RM 118) ***Parking enforcement starts September 30th.

Parking Regulations:

Students can be ticketed by Murray City if they park in a handicapped stall or red zone areas.

The following regulations are applicable to parking on city school property:

1. Student parking is prohibited in stalls designated for other use such as staff, visitor, day care, auto shop, etc.
2. Parking permits are required and must be displayed hanging from the rearview mirror of the vehicle. All vehicles must register and display permits.
3. The faculty parking areas are so designated and off limits to student parking.
4. The loading dock and bus entrance is off limits to student parking.

Students should be aware that automobiles parked on the school premises or in the school parking lot are subject to search when officials have reason to believe weapons, drugs, or objects prohibited by school policy or state law are contained therein. This is in accordance with the Policies, Rules and Regulations of the Murray City Board of Education PS435.


MHS Administration