Students and parents are responsible for monitoring attendance closely. Attendance can be tracked online through the Aspire SIS program.

Absences should be excused through the attendance office within 5 days of the absence and follow guidelines as outlined in the policy PD below. Students must check out through the attendance office when leaving school resulting in class time being missed. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence(s) require Canvas module completion or detention.

Please carefully read the full attendance policy below. Thank you for your cooperation.

Attendance_Citizenship Policy Rev1


Attendance/U Staff

Shelley Kobuta

Shelley Kobuta

Main Attendance Secretary

Jacque Ashcroft

Jacque Ashcroft

Citizenship Secretary/Assistant Attendance Secretary


Attendance Codes

Attendance codes are used by Aspire to show how often students have been tardy, absent, etc…

X = Unexcused absence

E = Excused absence

C = Check in/out or hospital

T = Tardy

S = Sluff

D = Doctor’s note

V = Pre-approved vacation

2 = Arrived more than 10 minutes late (unexcused absence)

Q = Home


Parking Pass Citizenship Detention