YouScience is a great way for students to learn more about themselves, explore high-demand careers that are a good fit for them, and gain a better understanding of how their unique talents are needed in the economy.
Keys to Success
As you continue your career exploration, an additional resource to keep in mind is Keys to Success. This app motivates students with prizes to unlock their future by connecting them with scholarships, internships, and opportunities that match their career interests.
Keys to Success also offers students the Career Center, where you can use tools like:
- Interest Profiler – discover work areas that match your interests
- Entrepreneurial Assessment – find out if self-employment is good for you
- Reality Check – find out how much money you need for the lifestyle you want
- Careers – learn how much education is required for careers, how much money you will make, etc.
Resume & Cover Letter Tools – learn how to write your resume step-by-step and more!
To match your interests to a potential career, you can take the O*NET Interest Profiler survey to assist you in your career exploration. Click here to take the survey.
Now that you know what your interests are, here is a resource of how to find and keep the job of your dreams: Finding and Keeping a job