Welcome to the Finance Office

Finance Office

Jennifer Horne

Jennifer Horne

Financial Secretary

BrenaLynn Fisher

BrenaLynn Fisher

Assistant Financial Secretary

Financial Window Hours

30 minutes before school

During lunch

30 minutes after school

Finance Office Information

  1. Students need to be in class during school hours. Therefore, the financial secretary will not be available during class hours.
  2. Students should make all payments to the financial office. Teachers/coaches should NOT take money from students. A receipt will be given for each transaction and should be saved for one year. The receipts will provide a reference for what the student has paid during the school year as well as provide proof of purchase for the yearbook at the end of the year. It is the student’s responsibility to check the receipt for accuracy of name and amount.
  3. Students that are involved in more than one activity need to specify in which account the money should be deposited. Money deposited from a fund-raiser CANNOT be transferred from one account to another (example: cheer to choir).
  4. Students who are making purchases for clubs or teams must fill out a purchase order request form and have it signed by the advisor/coach. The advisory/coach will turn in the purchase order request form to the financial office. If the request is approved by the principal, a school purchase order will be returned to the advisor/coach. Students will NOT be reimbursed for purchases made without a purchase order.
  5. The financial office cannot cash checks or make change for students. Also, checks must be made for the exact amount. The financial secretary cannot give cash back on checks written over the amount.
  6. All fees, once paid, are nonrefundable
  7. Fines that are not paid prior to a student leaving Murray High School (checking out to attend another school) or by the end of the school year may be turned over to a collection agency. Official transcripts will not be sent to students’ new schools until unpaid balances are cleared.
  8. Fees and fines must be cleared in order to participate in graduation ceremonies.



Please visit our Fundraiser Guidelines page for any questions about fundraisers.