Message from PTSA President

Dear Murray High School Parents,
We would like to give parents the opportunity to sign up for MHS PTSA. A membership is $5 and a donation is requested for any amount up to $35. You can go directly to the myschoolfees page at the link provided and by paying there will sign you up for PTSA. You can also email me your and your student’s names and send in a check or cash to the financial office or pay at our first meeting. We meet the first Friday of every month at 10 am, in Spartan Cove. We are always looking for volunteers to help with various things at the high school and would love for you to join and come to our meetings. We’ll keep you updated on school activities and volunteer opportunities.
The donation funds that we receive stay to help the students at Murray High. PTSA memberships and donations go to fund our PTSA, Region and State PTA’s as well. PTSA helps with College Day, Career Day, Parent Teacher Conferences (dinners), teacher appreciation, 2 MHS scholarships, Science Fair, Reflections, Battle of the Bands, grants to help clubs and activities, project graduation, and other random volunteer needs at the High School.
Thank you for your help and interest in the improvement of Murray High School.

Kim Alexander (PTSA President)