Plagiarism Statement

With the increased use of the internet and other online sources in the classroom, the opportunity for plagiarism has also increased. In an effort to combat this form of academic dishonesty at Murray High School, the following definitions of plagiarism and the consequences will be enforced throughout all classes at Murray High School:

  1. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas, evidence, or words without proper acknowledgement or conveying the false impression that the arguments and writing in a paper are one’s own.
  2. Plagiarism occurs when information isn’t cited and/or properly referenced in a student’s work
  3. Murray High School will be using APA (American Psychological Association) format for all referenced work. There are several online sources to help with APA format, but one of the best is found at
  4. The consequences for plagiarism at Murray High may include an automatic zero on the assignment for the first offense, and letter grade drops, including failure of the course, for subsequent offenses. Students will also receive a “U” in citizenship in the class where the offense occurred.
  5. Students who plagiarize on a Canvas course, original credit or credit remediation, will receive an automatic zero for the course and will not be permitted to take that course via Canvas again.